If it looks like the screenshot below, the license server is working.ī. This will open the Phoenix license server status web page. Open the link in a web browser on the same machine.You may receive a message warning that the Phoenix license server is already running. > Licensing > Launch Phoenix FD license server. Start the Phoenix license server from Windows Start menu > All Programs > Chaos Group > Phoenix FD Adv for 3dsMax.If you receive an error message, please refer to Phoenix License Server Can't Start section. Make sure that Windows properly recognizes the dongle and doesn't show an error message. Unplug the dongle and plug it again in a different USB port, preferably USB 2.0.Restart the machine with the Phoenix license server and dongle installed.If this does not resolve the problem, go through the following checklist: You will need to restart 3ds Max for the changes to take effect. button to input a correct address for the license server. To render the result of the simulation, you need a V-Ray license. To run a simulation, you need to have a Phoenix simulation license.